
SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series

Showing 1–24 of 33 results

SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series
Learner Population
Advanced Practice Provider
Allied Health Professionals
Respiratory Therapist
Social Work
Air Methods
Baylor College of Medicine
Bundle of Rays
Eastern Michigan
Indiana University East SoN
Children's National
College of St. Scholastica
George Mason University
Georgian College
Mount Saint Mary
Northshore University Healthcare System
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
NYU Langone Health Department of Anesthesiology
Ohio State University
Parker University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Illinois Univeristy
St. John Fisher University
Sun City
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Pennsylvania SoN
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
VR Support Center Europe
Advanced Complexity
Moderate Complexity
Special Complexity
Standard Complexity
Room Size
Patient Ect

Car Accident—Prehospital

VR Support Center Europe

This is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver having a cardiac event due to a complication of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. One patient is a middle aged male who is ambulatory...


This is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver...

Case Information:
Learner Population: EMS
Specialty: Prehospital
Author: VR Support Center Europe
Language: English, Dutch
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Outdoor
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: altered mental status, atls, bystander cpr, cardiac arrest, multiple casualties, mva, needle decompression, pneumothorax, prehospital, trauma,

CBRN Civilian Tool Orientation


Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about possible exposure to a weaponized biologic agent. The patient has no symptoms and requires no medical treatments, but the learner should work through the process of assessment and decon. This case is to introduce learners to the VR environment and tools.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Civilian Tool Orientation

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about possible exposure to a weaponized biologic agent. The patient has no symptoms and requires no medical...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x20
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: chemical biological radiation, decon, decontamination, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, urban disaster response,

CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack


Set in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower extremity amputations and will require one tourniquet placement on each leg. The patient will also require decontamination and treatment for exposure.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack

CBRN Bundle

Set in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x13
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: blast injury, decon, decontamination, dirty bomb, HAZMAT, leg amputations, lower extremity amputations, radiation exposure, tourniquet placement, urban disaster response,

CBRN Hydrogen Cyanide Exposure


Set in the woodland environment, the Learner responds to the scene after an accident with a burning military vehicle. The wind shifted and the patient had significant toxic fume inhalation for a period of time. They develop symptoms of cyanide toxicity. The patient suffers minor traumatic injuries. The patient requires...

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Hydrogen Cyanide Exposure

CBRN Bundle

Set in the woodland environment, the Learner responds to the scene after an accident with a burning military vehicle. The wind shifted and the patient...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x13
Setting: Outdoor, Roadside, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: B12, chemical biological radiation, Cherry Red, Cyanokit, decon, decontamination, HAZMAT, Hydroxocobalamin, roadside, rural disaster response, Sodium Thiosulphate,

CBRN Mustard Gas Exposure and Eye Irritation


Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a closed room that caught on fire. He suffered extensive burns to the head, face and chest. This patient will require immediate airway management along with...

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Mustard Gas Exposure and Eye Irritation

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x16
Setting: Outdoor, Roadside, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: chemical biological radiation, chemical burn, chemical exposure, chemical rash, decon, decontamination, eye exposure, gas mask, HAZMAT, morgan lens, mustard gas exposure, rural disaster response,

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure Field Decontamination


This case is set in the industrial environment. The Learner responds to the scene after there was an explosion and possible exposure to nerve agent. One patient is moderately symptomatic with small pupils and nausea. The patient is tachycardic with a normal blood pressure. A second patient is deceased at...

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure Field Decontamination

CBRN Bundle

This case is set in the industrial environment. The Learner responds to the scene after there was an explosion and possible exposure to nerve agent....

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x20
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: anticholinergic exposure, ATNAA and CANA autoinjectors, chemical biological radiation, cholinergic, decon, decontamination, dual patient, duodote, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, mass casualty, multi-patient, mutliple patients, nerve agent exposure, sarin gas, toxidrome, urban disaster response, VX,

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury


Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury

CBRN Bundle

Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Surgery, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x16
Setting: Outdoor, Roadside, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: airway protection, anticholinergic exposure, ATNAA and CANA autoinjectors, chemical biological radiation, cholinergic, decon, decontamination, duodote, HAZMAT, intubation, nerve agent exposure, rural disaster response, sarin gas, severe head injury, TBI, toxidrome, traumatic brain injury, unconscious, unresponsive, VX,

CBRN Opiate Gas Attack


Set in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Opiate Gas Attack

CBRN Bundle

Set in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 19x14
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: decon, decontamination, dirty bomb, HAZMAT, naloxone, narcan, opiate gas, Opiate overdose, subway, urban disaster response,

CBRN Phosgene Oxime (CX) Exposure with Penetrating Trauma


Set in a woodland environment, the learner responds to a scene where there was an attack and suspected dirty bomb. The patient has suffered a gunshot wound to the left chest, developing tension pneumothorax that requires decompression. There is blood in the chest when a tube is placed and the...

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Phosgene Oxime (CX) Exposure with Penetrating Trauma

CBRN Bundle

Set in a woodland environment, the learner responds to a scene where there was an attack and suspected dirty bomb. The patient has suffered a...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x15
Setting: Outdoor, Roadside, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: anticholinergic exposure, ATNAA and CANA autoinjectors, blood resuscitation, blood transfusion, chemical agent exposure, chemical biological radiation, chest tube, cholinergic, decon, decontamination, dirty bomb, duodote, HAZMAT, hemothorax, needle decompression, penetrating chest wound, penetrating trauma, pneumothorax, radiation exposure, rural disaster response, tension pneumothorax, toxidrome, tranexamic acid, trauma, traumatic injuries, txa,

CBRN Radiation Accident with Burn Management


Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a closed room that caught on fire. He suffered extensive burns to the head, face and chest. This patient will require immediate airway management along with...

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Radiation Accident with Burn Management

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Burn, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 18x18
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: airway burn, airway compromise, Airway Management, airway protection, burn injury, burn resuscitation, chemical biological radiation, decon, decontamination, dual patient, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, intubation, mass casualty, multi-patient, mutliple patients, radiation, radiation poisoning, severe burns, urban disaster response,

CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED


Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED

CBRN Bundle

Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Surgical, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 18x13
Setting: Outdoor, Roadside, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: anticholinergic exposure, ATNAA and CANA autoinjectors, chemical agent exposure, chemical biological radiation, cholinergic, decon, decontamination, dirty bomb, dual patient, duodote, HAZMAT, humvee, IED, improvised explosive device, mass casualty, multi-patient, radiation exposure, roadside, rural disaster response, sarin gas, sarin shell, toxidrome,

CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure


Set in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration and immediate airway interventions.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure

CBRN Bundle

Set in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 18x15
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: airway protection, B12, Cherry Red, cyanide, Cyanokit, decon, decontamination, dirty bomb, HAZMAT, Hydroxocobalamin, intubation, naloxone, narcan, opiate gas, Opiate overdose, Sodium Thiosulphate, subway, urban disaster response,

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries


Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic injuries that require immediate treatment for stabilization. The patient requires decontamination, and learners should assess for chemical exposure symptoms.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 19x13
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: blunt traumatic injury, chemical biological radiation, decon, decontamination, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, internal bleeding, TIC, TIC/TIMs, toxic industrial chemicals, toxic industrial materials, trauma evaluation, trauma resuscitation, urban disaster response,

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries (Civilian)


Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic injuries that require immediate treatment for stabilization. The patient requires decontamination, and learners should assess for chemical exposure symptoms.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries (Civilian)

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x17
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: blunt traumatic injury, chemical biological radiation, decon, decontamination, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, internal bleeding, TIC, TIC/TIMs, toxic industrial chemicals, toxic industrial materials, trauma evaluation, trauma resuscitation, urban disaster response,

CBRN Tool Orientation


Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about a possible exposure to weaponized biologic agent. Patient has no symptoms, and requires no medical treatments, but the learner should work through the process of assessment and decon. This case is to introduce learners to the VR environment and tools.

Emergency Medicine
Disaster Medicine

CBRN Tool Orientation

CBRN Bundle

Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about a possible exposure to weaponized biologic agent. Patient has no symptoms, and requires no medical treatments,...

Case Information:
Bundles: CBRN Bundle
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals, Physician, Military, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Disaster Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 20x20
Setting: Outdoor, Tent
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: chemical biological radiation, decon, decontamination, HAZMAT, industrial disaster response, urban disaster response,

Community Health Worker Program

South Carolina State University

A Community Health Worker (CHW) or Community Health Coach (CHC) will collaborate with the medical team. Afterwards, the CHW/CHC will call the patient to review the doctor’s care plan, and will then give a presentation and answer questions on basic health maintenance topics – mental health, high blood pressure, and...

Community Health

A Community Health Worker (CHW) or Community Health Coach (CHC) will collaborate with the medical team. Afterwards, the CHW/CHC will call the patient to review...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Allied Health Professionals
Specialty: Community Health, Psychiatry, Prehospital
Author: South Carolina State University
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Office Building
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: Community Health Coach, Community Health Worker, Conference Room, counseling, interprofessional team, outreach, outreach skills,

EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway


Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family member says the patient was eating take-out food and suddenly had difficulty breathing. The patient has a known severe peanut allergy. Learner will perform an...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway

EMS Bundle

Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 10x10
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: Adult, AEMT, als, anaphylaxis, bls, Distributive shock, EMT, Military, Paramedic, prehospital, respiratory distress,

EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent


Learner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The patient refuses to talk to police at the beginning of the case. Police ask the EMS providers to help convince the patient to be transported...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent

EMS Bundle

Learner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 16x14
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: Alcohol Intoxication, De-escalation, EMT, Firearm Safety, Homicidal Ideation, Military, Paramedic, psychiatric, psychiatry, ptsd, scene safety,

EMS Congestive Heart Failure


Learner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on scene, identify the patient's dyspnea and hypoxia, and provide appropriate respiratory support. The patient is in respiratory distress and can speak in only 1-2 syllable...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Congestive Heart Failure

EMS Bundle

Learner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: AEMT, als, bls, CHF, CPAP, EMT, Flash Pulmonary Edema, heart failure, Left Bundle Branch Block, Military, Nitroglycerine, Paramedic, Pulmonary Edema, respiratory failure,

EMS Diabetic Emergency


Learner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard who is localizing to pain but otherwise unresponsive. Bystanders gave one dose of naloxone without effect. Learner will perform an initial assessment and history from...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Diabetic Emergency

EMS Bundle

Learner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 12x12
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: AEMT, altered mental status, bls, Diabetic emergency, EMT, hypoglycemia, Military, Paramedic, prehospital,

EMS Obstetrics Emergency


Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that delivery is imminent. The Learner will aid in delivery which will proceed in an uncomplicated fashion. The newborn will initially be blue...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Obstetrics Emergency

EMS Bundle

Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 12x12
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Adult, Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male and Female
Tags: abdominal pain, AEMT, als, bls, ems, EMT, field delivery, Military, neonatal resuscitation, newborn, normal delivery, NRP, OB, OBGYN, Obstetrics, Paramedic, prehospital,

EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock


Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient is suffering from a respiratory illness with fever and vomiting. She recently passed out when trying to stand up. Current vitals are HR 150, BP...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock

EMS Bundle

Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 13x10
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Pediatric
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: AEMT, als, bls, EMT, Febrile Illness, Hypovolemic shock, Military, Paramedic, pediatrics, prehospital, sepsis,

EMS Pediatric Overdose


Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient ingested some hydrocodone-acetaminophen tablets that belonged to the parent, with an open bottle on the bathroom counter. Learner will recognize signs...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Pediatric Overdose

EMS Bundle

Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Prehospital, Toxicology
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 12x12
Setting: Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Pediatric
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: AEMT, altered mental status, bls, ems, EMT, Military, Opiate overdose, pals, Paramedic, pediatrics, prehospital, toxicology,

EMS Pool Accident


Learner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner should perform an initial assessment, identify no pulses, initiate CPR, apply a defibrillator, and identify the patient is in PEA cardiac arrest. A cervical collar...

Emergency Medicine

EMS Pool Accident

EMS Bundle

Learner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner...

Case Information:
Bundles: EMS Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Military
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Prehospital
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English
Room size: 12x12
Setting: Outdoor, Ambulance, Home
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: AEMT, Airway Management, BVM, Cervical Collar, cpr, EMT, Manual Ventilation, Military, Near Drowning, Paramedic, respiratory failure, SCI, spinal cord injury, Spinal Precautions,