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COM 04 – Ricky Alvarez – School Health – Diabetic
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 04 - Ricky Alvarez - School Health: Diabetic on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Ricky Alvarez, a 13-year-old Native-American male with poorly managed type 1 diabetes. He has a recent history of hospitalization due to wound infection resulting in hyperglycemia. Ricky is brought...
COM 04 – Ricky Alvarez – School Health – Diabetic
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 04 - Ricky Alvarez - School Health: Diabetic on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Ricky Alvarez, a 13-year-old...
Diabetes Management
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 32 - Ricky Alvarez - Hyperglycemia Diabetes Mellitus - Adolescent - Management of Hyperglycemia on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Ricky Alvarez, a 13-year-old Native American male with poorly managed type 1 diabetes, presented to the emergency department with a foot wound infection...
Diabetes Management
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 32 - Ricky Alvarez - Hyperglycemia Diabetes Mellitus - Adolescent - Management of Hyperglycemia on the Elsevier...
New-onset Type 2 Diabetes in Adult
Indiana University East SoNIn this scenario, the learner is informed via EMR progress notes on the VR tablet that the patient is newly insulin dependent with known Type 2 Diabetes. The patient is started on insulin after hyperglycemia presentation despite oral medication and ready for discharge. The learner must counsel the patient and...
In this scenario, the learner is informed via EMR progress notes on the VR tablet that the patient is newly insulin dependent with known Type...