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Violent Adolescent Drug Abuse
Indiana University East SoNSamuel is a 15-year-old male arriving on a Wednesday evening to the Anger and Substance Abuse Clinic. Samuel has been in the foster care system for thirteen years and with his current family for a year. The learner will have the chance to speak to the foster parents alone and...
Violent Adolescent Drug Abuse
Social Determinants of Health
Samuel is a 15-year-old male arriving on a Wednesday evening to the Anger and Substance Abuse Clinic. Samuel has been in the foster care system...
Case Information:
Bundles: Social Determinants of Health
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Pediatrics
Author: Indiana University East SoN
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: <18
Patient Gender: Male
adolescent anger,
adolescent drug abuse,
patient violence,
violent adolescent,