Showing all 2 results

EMS Obstetrics Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that delivery is imminent. The Learner will aid in delivery which will proceed in an uncomplicated fashion. The newborn will initially be blue...
EMS Obstetrics Emergency
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment...

Precipitous Labor & Neonatal Resuscitation
SimXThis scenario starts in the emergency department. There is an obviously pregnant mom who is screaming in pain. The OB/GYN cannot arrive at the hospital in time, even if they are paged. Delivery becomes imminent, and the mom gives birth to a baby with a poor tone and low heart...
This scenario starts in the emergency department. There is an obviously pregnant mom who is screaming in pain. The OB/GYN cannot arrive at the hospital...