tension pneumothorax
Showing all 6 results

EMS Climbing Accident and Rescue
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived prior to any other first responders. The patient has sustained multiple traumatic injuries and is hemodynamically unstable when the flight crew arrives. The learner must...
In this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived...

EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
SimXIn this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the ambulance while the patient is on a stretcher with a C collar in place. The patient has blood on his clothes and is screaming in...
EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
In this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the...

EMS Trauma—Stabbing
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 19-year-old male patient on the ground after having just been stabbed in the left upper quadrant and left upper back (only visible when rolling patient). Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient has a bleeding wound to the abdomen...
EMS Trauma—Stabbing
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 19-year-old male patient on the ground after having just been stabbed in the left upper quadrant and left...

Tracheostomy Complications—Displacement (Fresh Tracheostomy)
NYU Grossman School of MedicineThe patient is a 65 year-old man who has been in the MICU for 14 days with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He had a percutaneous tracheostomy performed two days ago and he continues to require mechanical ventilatory support. You are called to the bedside by the ICU nurse because...
The patient is a 65 year-old man who has been in the MICU for 14 days with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He had a...

Tracheostomy Complications—Occluded Inner Cannula (Fresh Tracheostomy)
NYU Grossman School of MedicineThe patient us a 65 year-old man who has been in the MICU for 14 days with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He had a percutaneous tracheostomy performed 2 days ago and he continues to require mechanical ventilatory support. You are called to the bedside by the ICU nurse because...
The patient us a 65 year-old man who has been in the MICU for 14 days with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He had a...