burn management
Showing all 2 results

PCC Burn Management
VALOR ProgramStarting in a building of opportunity in a far forward location, participants receive handoff for a casualty that suffered extensive burns. The learner should assess the patient and determine TBSA burn. They should upgrade the airway to an endotracheal tube or surgical airway and place the patient on a ventilator....
PCC Burn Management
Starting in a building of opportunity in a far forward location, participants receive handoff for a casualty that suffered extensive burns. The learner should assess...

Virtual Manikin™ — Prolonged Casualty Care (PCC)
VALOR ProgramLearner starts the scenario in a far forward location. The moderator has options to choose the environment location and also choose the virtual manikin patient. Moderator can choose injury patterns and will have control over the patient's physiology through the scenario. All of the tools from the PCC curriculum are...
Virtual Manikin™ — Prolonged Casualty Care (PCC)
Learner starts the scenario in a far forward location. The moderator has options to choose the environment location and also choose the virtual manikin patient....