dirty bomb
Showing all 5 results

CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack
VALOR ProgramSet in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower extremity amputations and will require one tourniquet placement on each leg. The patient will also require decontamination and treatment for exposure.
CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack
Set in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower...

CBRN Opiate Gas Attack
VALOR ProgramSet in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration.
CBRN Opiate Gas Attack
Set in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require...

CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED
VALOR ProgramSet in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...
CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED
Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure
VALOR ProgramSet in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration and immediate airway interventions.
CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure
Set in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require...