Showing all 10 results

EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family member says the patient was eating take-out food and suddenly had difficulty breathing. The patient has a known severe peanut allergy. Learner will perform an...
EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family...

EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
VALOR ProgramLearner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The patient refuses to talk to police at the beginning of the case. Police ask the EMS providers to help convince the patient to be transported...
EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
Learner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The...

EMS Congestive Heart Failure
VALOR ProgramLearner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on scene, identify the patient's dyspnea and hypoxia, and provide appropriate respiratory support. The patient is in respiratory distress and can speak in only 1-2 syllable...
EMS Congestive Heart Failure
Learner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on...

EMS Diabetic Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard who is localizing to pain but otherwise unresponsive. Bystanders gave one dose of naloxone without effect. Learner will perform an initial assessment and history from...
EMS Diabetic Emergency
Learner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard...

EMS Obstetrics Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that delivery is imminent. The Learner will aid in delivery which will proceed in an uncomplicated fashion. The newborn will initially be blue...
EMS Obstetrics Emergency
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment...

EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient is suffering from a respiratory illness with fever and vomiting. She recently passed out when trying to stand up. Current vitals are HR 150, BP...
EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient...

EMS Pediatric Overdose
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient ingested some hydrocodone-acetaminophen tablets that belonged to the parent, with an open bottle on the bathroom counter. Learner will recognize signs...
EMS Pediatric Overdose
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and...

EMS Pool Accident
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner should perform an initial assessment, identify no pulses, initiate CPR, apply a defibrillator, and identify the patient is in PEA cardiac arrest. A cervical collar...
EMS Pool Accident
Learner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner...

EMS Trauma—Electrocution
VALOR ProgramLearner arrives on-scene to find a 65-year-old male patient on the floor with decreased responsiveness. Learner should perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient just suffered an electrocution injury during a home repair and is now bradycardic secondary to pacemaker failure. The patient also has electric burn injuries...
EMS Trauma—Electrocution
Learner arrives on-scene to find a 65-year-old male patient on the floor with decreased responsiveness. Learner should perform an initial assessment and identify that the...

EMS Trauma—Stabbing
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 19-year-old male patient on the ground after having just been stabbed in the left upper quadrant and left upper back (only visible when rolling patient). Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient has a bleeding wound to the abdomen...
EMS Trauma—Stabbing
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 19-year-old male patient on the ground after having just been stabbed in the left upper quadrant and left...