Showing all 4 results

EMS Pediatric Overdose
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient ingested some hydrocodone-acetaminophen tablets that belonged to the parent, with an open bottle on the bathroom counter. Learner will recognize signs...
EMS Pediatric Overdose
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and...

Infant with Bronchiolitis
Queensland Health ServiceA 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize respiratory distress, and escalate oxygen. The patient will decompensate, which requires the learner(s) to call a code blue, support the patient’s airway, suction the airway,...
A 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize...

Pediatric Dysrhythmia (Resuscitation)
SimXIn this scenario, a 9-year-old Hispanic male without any prior known medical history is brought in by EMS after collapsing during physical education class. The patient was transported to the emergency department by the emergency medical providers. During the assessment, the patient goes into ventricular tachycardia and the learner must...
In this scenario, a 9-year-old Hispanic male without any prior known medical history is brought in by EMS after collapsing during physical education class. The...

Unstable SVT in the ED
Children's NationalA 5 day old infant is brought to the emergency department with irritability, decreased oral intake, hypoactivity, and tachycardia. He was intubated for transport here. He has given adenosine twice for supraventricular tachycardia and now requires further intervention.
A 5 day old infant is brought to the emergency department with irritability, decreased oral intake, hypoactivity, and tachycardia. He was intubated for transport here....