traumatic brain injury
Showing all 4 results

Altered Mental Status—MVA
Children's NationalA 10-year-old male who presented after trauma with subdural hematoma who develops increased intracranial pressure.
A 10-year-old male who presented after trauma with subdural hematoma who develops increased intracranial pressure.

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury
VALOR ProgramSet in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...
CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury
Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

Virtual Manikin™ — Outpatient Soft Skills
SimXThe moderator has options to choose the setting location and the virtual manikin patient. Moderator can choose patient diagnosis, treatment, and will have control over the patient's physiology throughout the scenario. The conditions available are obesity, traumatic brain injury, language disorders, Parkinson’s disease, hearing loss, type 2 diabetes, and malnutrition.
The moderator has options to choose the setting location and the virtual manikin patient. Moderator can choose patient diagnosis, treatment, and will have control over...