Showing 1–24 of 172 results

ACLS Knowledge Update
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will progress to unstable Vtach, Vfib arrest, and then PEA arrest throughout the case. Learners will work to provide compressions, medications, electrical therapy, and airway interventions...
In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will...

Acute Myocardial Infarction
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Female patient, 55 years old attends Emergency Department with chest pain that started 2 hours ago and radiates to arm, neck and jaw. Participants are expected to recognize inferior STEMI by history, exam, and EKG, activate cath lab, and start fluids, heparin, and pressors if needed. If the participant does...
Female patient, 55 years old attends Emergency Department with chest pain that started 2 hours ago and radiates to arm, neck and jaw. Participants are...

Adult Seizure in EMU
Baylor College of MedicineJamie Walden is a 24-year-old female with a history of febrile seizures starting at age 2, with subsequent seizures when she was 12. She failed several AEDs and is admitted to the EMU for seizure classification as part of a presurgical workup for epilepsy surgery. The learner must perform an...
Adult Seizure in EMU
Jamie Walden is a 24-year-old female with a history of febrile seizures starting at age 2, with subsequent seizures when she was 12. She failed...

Aggressive Behavior Management for Dementia Patient
Keimyoung UniversityA 79-year-old elderly woman with dementia has been unable to adjust to the three-person room at the nursing hospital for three weeks and is showing aggressive behaviors such as screaming and swearing. She is able to communicate easily with an MMSE score of 15/30, but she is angry with her...
A 79-year-old elderly woman with dementia has been unable to adjust to the three-person room at the nursing hospital for three weeks and is showing...

Anesthesia Post-op
University of Pennsylvania School of NursingIn the Operating Room, a 23-year-old female patient with an undiagnosed pseudocholinesterase deficiency is undergoing general anesthesia for a D&E. As the surgical case is completed, the Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) turns the anesthesia off. Still, the deficiency causes the patient to remain under the influence of the paralytic...
In the Operating Room, a 23-year-old female patient with an undiagnosed pseudocholinesterase deficiency is undergoing general anesthesia for a D&E. As the surgical case is...

Brief Psychotic Disorders
Indiana University School of NursingSam is a 45-year-old caucasian female who was brought to the ER by her brother. Her brother reported that Sam was acting strange over the past couple of weeks; in particular, he noticed poor hygiene, bizarre behaviors, and interrupted sleep patterns. He also believes she has auditory and visual hallucinations....
Brief Psychotic Disorders
Sam is a 45-year-old caucasian female who was brought to the ER by her brother. Her brother reported that Sam was acting strange over the...

BTT Shunt Occlusion in Interstage Patient with HLHS
Children's NationalThe patient is a 5-week-old baby girl with a prenatal diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, status post-Norwood with a 3.5mm BTT shunt at DOL5. Her intraoperative and postoperative course was relatively unremarkable, and she had been in the hospital for two weeks post-op, working on feeding issues. She has...
The patient is a 5-week-old baby girl with a prenatal diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, status post-Norwood with a 3.5mm BTT shunt at DOL5....

C. Diff
Indiana University School of NursingThis scenario presents an elderly patient with diarrhea who is newly diagnosed with Clostridium difficile colitis, which the learner is informed of via EMR progress notes on VR tablet. The learner must note positive C Diff results on the tablet, don gown and gloves to enter the treatment room, counsel...
This scenario presents an elderly patient with diarrhea who is newly diagnosed with Clostridium difficile colitis, which the learner is informed of via EMR progress...

Cellulitis and PICC Line Care Skills
Queensland Health ServiceA middle aged male is being treated for cellulitis requiring administration of intravenous antibiotics through a PICC line. The Learner(s) must assess the patient and follow medication administration orders. The Learner(s) will also perform a PICC line dressing change procedure which includes, cleaning the area, monitoring for movement of the...
A middle aged male is being treated for cellulitis requiring administration of intravenous antibiotics through a PICC line. The Learner(s) must assess the patient and...

Chest Pain—ACS
Queensland Health ServiceA middle-aged male presents to the emergency department feeling unwell with chest pains and fainting. During initial evaluation of the patient, he loses consciousness and has a cardiac arrest with ventricular tachycardia, which can be seen on the monitor. The learner is expected to evaluate the patient, order and interpret...
A middle-aged male presents to the emergency department feeling unwell with chest pains and fainting. During initial evaluation of the patient, he loses consciousness and...

Coarctation of the Aorta
Children's National2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding less. She has an older brother (3-year-old who is in daycare). Symptoms have been getting worse over the last couple days. She was seen at...
2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding...

COM 04 – Ricky Alvarez – School Health – Diabetic
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 04 - Ricky Alvarez - School Health: Diabetic on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Ricky Alvarez, a 13-year-old Native-American male with poorly managed type 1 diabetes. He has a recent history of hospitalization due to wound infection resulting in hyperglycemia. Ricky is brought...
COM 04 – Ricky Alvarez – School Health – Diabetic
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 04 - Ricky Alvarez - School Health: Diabetic on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Ricky Alvarez, a 13-year-old...

COM 05 – Emilia Garcia – School Health – Asthma Exacerbation
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 05 - Emilia Gracia - School Health: Asthma Exacerbation on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Emilia Garcia is a 9-year-old Hispanic female with a history of chronic reactive airway disease. She was recently hospitalized with an acute exacerbation caused by allergies and returned...
COM 05 – Emilia Garcia – School Health – Asthma Exacerbation
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 05 - Emilia Gracia - School Health: Asthma Exacerbation on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Emilia Garcia is...

COM 09 – Juan Hernandez – Vulnerable Populations – Migrant Farm Worker-Tuberculosis
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 09 - Juan Hernandez - Vulnerable Populations: Migrant Farm Worker Tuberculosis on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Juan Hernandez is a 31-year-old Hispanic migrant farm worker who just arrived from Texas with his family. Healthcare services are provided for the migrant workers and...
COM 09 – Juan Hernandez – Vulnerable Populations – Migrant Farm Worker-Tuberculosis
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 09 - Juan Hernandez - Vulnerable Populations: Migrant Farm Worker Tuberculosis on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Juan...

COM 12 – Community Health – Multiple Casualty Incident
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 12 - Community Health: Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) on the Elsevier Evolve Platform An explosion has occurred at a fertilizer factory. The local on-scene commander reports approximately 50 patients with several fatalities. Decontamination has already been completed on the scene and several...
COM 12 – Community Health – Multiple Casualty Incident
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 12 - Community Health: Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) on the Elsevier Evolve Platform An explosion has occurred...

COM 13 – Patient Zero – Community Health – Bioterrorism
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 13 - Community Health: Bioterrorism on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Prior to the scenario, a large number of people presented to several of the local emergency departments with multiple symptoms. It was determined that a smallpox (variola virus) bioterrorism attack had occurred...
COM 13 – Patient Zero – Community Health – Bioterrorism
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 13 - Community Health: Bioterrorism on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Prior to the scenario, a large number...

Community Health Nurse Experience
Eastern Michigan University School of NursingIn this scenario, the learner will treat patients at a mosque as part of a community health fair. The learner must interview a 70-year-old Bangladeshi male with a history of hypertension and depression. Initial assessment requires them to go through a number of health screenings with him. The learner should...
Community Health Nurse Experience
In this scenario, the learner will treat patients at a mosque as part of a community health fair. The learner must interview a 70-year-old Bangladeshi...