Advanced EMT
Showing all 13 results

ACLS Knowledge Update
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will progress to unstable Vtach, Vfib arrest, and then PEA arrest throughout the case. Learners will work to provide compressions, medications, electrical therapy, and airway interventions...
In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will...

Bleeding Control—Office Shooting
Sun City SimulationThis scenario is a mass casualty event following a shooting. There are 5 adult patients collected in an empty room for treatment. The first patient has a gunshot wound in the abdomen and is suffering hemorrhagic shock, the next has arterial hemorrhage from a gunshot wound in the left arm...
This scenario is a mass casualty event following a shooting. There are 5 adult patients collected in an empty room for treatment. The first patient...

Car Accident—Prehospital
XR Support Center EuropeThis is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver having a cardiac event due to a complication of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. One patient is a middle aged male who is ambulatory...
This is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver...

COM 12 – Community Health – Multiple Casualty Incident
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 12 - Community Health: Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) on the Elsevier Evolve Platform An explosion has occurred at a fertilizer factory. The local on-scene commander reports approximately 50 patients with several fatalities. Decontamination has already been completed on the scene and several...
COM 12 – Community Health – Multiple Casualty Incident
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 12 - Community Health: Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) on the Elsevier Evolve Platform An explosion has occurred...

EMS Anaphylaxis
SimXIn this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with a known allergy. The learner must give Epi and the patient will improve. However, the patient will require a second dose of epi. If neither...
EMS Anaphylaxis
In this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with...

EMS Inferior STEMI
SimXA patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize inferior STEMI by the patient’s history, exam, and EKG. They must successfully activate the cath lab and start fluids, heparin, and pressors if needed. If...
EMS Inferior STEMI
A patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize...

EMS MCA Stroke
SimXUpon arrival learners find the patient arguing with his wife and telling the learner they don’t need to go to the hospital. Upon initial assessment, the learner finds that he has focal right sided weakness with right sided facial droop with last known normal 45 minutes ago. The learner should...
EMS MCA Stroke
Upon arrival learners find the patient arguing with his wife and telling the learner they don’t need to go to the hospital. Upon initial assessment,...

EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
SimXIn this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the ambulance while the patient is on a stretcher with a C collar in place. The patient has blood on his clothes and is screaming in...
EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
In this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the...

EMS Prehospital Pediatric Trauma
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)In a car accident, a pediatric patient suffers trauma, head injury, fracture of one of his arms with deformity and bruises in thorax. He is confused with recent amnesia, but responds to orders. Two EMS must secure the area, give him first attention, and take him in their ambulance to...
In a car accident, a pediatric patient suffers trauma, head injury, fracture of one of his arms with deformity and bruises in thorax. He is...

Triage Mass Casualty
XR Support Center EuropeIn this scenario, learners will treat multiple patients from a mass casualty event: an explosion at a cafe followed by shooters firing into a crowded street. The scene is divided into hot and warm zones. QRT teams from EMS/Fire/Police/Defense will enter the scene to perform triage. As a mass casualty...
In this scenario, learners will treat multiple patients from a mass casualty event: an explosion at a cafe followed by shooters firing into a crowded...

Virtual Manikin™ — Adult Chest Pain
SimXPatient is an adult in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator will have the ability to select from several patients, and then adjust vital signs, lab/imaging results, and exam findings live during the case. In other words,...
Patient is an adult in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator will...

Virtual Manikin™ — Outpatient Soft Skills
SimXThe moderator has options to choose the setting location and the virtual manikin patient. Moderator can choose patient diagnosis, treatment, and will have control over the patient's physiology throughout the scenario. The conditions available are obesity, traumatic brain injury, language disorders, Parkinson’s disease, hearing loss, type 2 diabetes, and malnutrition.
The moderator has options to choose the setting location and the virtual manikin patient. Moderator can choose patient diagnosis, treatment, and will have control over...

Virtual Manikin™ — Pediatric Respiratory
SimXPatient is a pediatric patient in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator will have the ability to select from several patients, and then adjust vital signs, lab/imaging results, and exam findings live during the case. In other...
Patient is a pediatric patient in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator...