Family Medicine
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ACLS Knowledge Update
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will progress to unstable Vtach, Vfib arrest, and then PEA arrest throughout the case. Learners will work to provide compressions, medications, electrical therapy, and airway interventions...
In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will...

Difficult Client
Georgian CollegeYou are meeting with Michael on a one-to-one basis after he has just received some unexpected news that he will be remaining in the hospital, involuntarily.
You are meeting with Michael on a one-to-one basis after he has just received some unexpected news that he will be remaining in the hospital,...

EMS Obstetrics Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that delivery is imminent. The Learner will aid in delivery which will proceed in an uncomplicated fashion. The newborn will initially be blue...
EMS Obstetrics Emergency
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment...

Goals of Care Discussion
Maimonides Medical CenterIn this scenario, a daughter brings her elderly father to the hospital because of respiratory distress. The patient has a history of advanced lung cancer, appears frail and very ill, and is in the emergency department requiring BIPAP for respiratory support. The learner must take the role of the emergency...
In this scenario, a daughter brings her elderly father to the hospital because of respiratory distress. The patient has a history of advanced lung cancer,...

Non-Fatal Suicide Attempt in an Adult
Southeastern Illinois CollegeA 20 year-old female is admitted to a psych unit from the ED with a diagnosis of suicide attempt and depression. She is accompanied by her mother. Initially, the participant should perform a mental health assessment for a client in a short-term mental health setting, exhibit professional caring attitude, and...
A 20 year-old female is admitted to a psych unit from the ED with a diagnosis of suicide attempt and depression. She is accompanied by...

Outpatient Preeclampsia
University of Nebraska Medical CenterA 24-year-old woman who is 31 weeks pregnant presents for an OB visit feeling fatigued. The learner performs an initial assessment identifying the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia including hypertension, weight gain, and proteinuria on urinalysis. After discussing with the physician, the patient is admitted to the hospital where the...
A 24-year-old woman who is 31 weeks pregnant presents for an OB visit feeling fatigued. The learner performs an initial assessment identifying the signs and...

SUC Abdominal Pain
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with abdominal pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Abdominal Pain
The patient presents to the clinic with abdominal pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or...

SUC Cold Related Illness
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with altered mental status. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Cold Related Illness
The patient presents to the clinic with altered mental status. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm...

SUC Deep Venous Thrombosis
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with leg pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Deep Venous Thrombosis
The patient presents to the clinic with leg pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or...

SUC Flank Pain
VALOR ProgramPatient presents to the clinic with back pain. Perform a history, exam and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Flank Pain
Patient presents to the clinic with back pain. Perform a history, exam and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule...

SUC Ingrown Toenail
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with toe pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Ingrown Toenail
The patient presents to the clinic with toe pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or...

SUC Peritonsillar Abscess
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with a sore throat. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Peritonsillar Abscess
The patient presents to the clinic with a sore throat. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm...

SUC Rhabdomyolysis
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with body aches. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Rhabdomyolysis
The patient presents to the clinic with body aches. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or...

SUC Snake Envenomation
VALOR ProgramThe patient presents to the clinic with leg pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or rule out possible emergent conditions, and arrange transport to the next level of care if appropriate.
SUC Snake Envenomation
The patient presents to the clinic with leg pain. Perform a history, exam, and appropriate assessment. Develop a differential diagnosis, perform testing to confirm or...

Virtual Manikin™ — Adult Chest Pain
SimXPatient is an adult in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator will have the ability to select from several patients, and then adjust vital signs, lab/imaging results, and exam findings live during the case. In other words,...
Patient is an adult in either a hospital or ambulance setting. There are no predetermined learning objectives, critical actions, states, or outcomes. The moderator will...

Virtual Manikin™ — SUC Abdominal Pain
VALOR ProgramSet in the small unit care tent, the moderator will have options to choose which patient they use for the scenario, will set vital signs, and determine physical exam findings that relate to abdominal complaints. These include ability to change the physical exam features for patient tenderness, ultrasound images, urine...
Virtual Manikin™ — SUC Abdominal Pain
Set in the small unit care tent, the moderator will have options to choose which patient they use for the scenario, will set vital signs,...

Virtual Manikin™ — SUC ENT and Pulmonary
VALOR ProgramSet in the small unit care tent, the moderator will have options to choose which patient they use for the scenario, will set vital signs, and determine physical exam findings that relate to common ENT and pulmonary complaints. These include otitis media, peritonsillar abscess, sinusitis, upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, and...
Virtual Manikin™ — SUC ENT and Pulmonary
Set in the small unit care tent, the moderator will have options to choose which patient they use for the scenario, will set vital signs,...

Workplace Violence & De-escalation
George Mason UniversityYou are a hospital employee who receives a handover of care. Shortly after walking into your patient’s room, you see a relative standing near the bed who starts to get annoyed and angry. You and other hospital employees are asked to help. Formerly Known As: VR Interprofessional Simulation Training on...
You are a hospital employee who receives a handover of care. Shortly after walking into your patient’s room, you see a relative standing near the...