respiratory distress
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ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 06 - Haley Medvedev - Bronchiolitis Presumptive Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Infant - Management of Respiratory Distress on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Haley Medvedev is a 5-month-old Caucasian female who was admitted with a diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is...
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 06 - Haley Medvedev - Bronchiolitis Presumptive Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Infant - Management of Respiratory Distress...
Coarctation of the Aorta
Children's National2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding less. She has an older brother (3-year-old who is in daycare). Symptoms have been getting worse over the last couple days. She was seen at...
2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding...
EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
SimX VALORLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family member says the patient was eating take-out food and suddenly had difficulty breathing. The patient has a known severe peanut allergy. Learner will perform an...
EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family...
FUN 06 – Nancy Gilbert – Tracheostomy Care
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 06 - Nancy Gilbert - Tracheostomy Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Nancy Gilbert is a 65-year-old Caucasian female with a history of laryngeal cancer. She was admitted with pneumonia and placed in contact isolation for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). During this...
FUN 06 – Nancy Gilbert – Tracheostomy Care
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 06 - Nancy Gilbert - Tracheostomy Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Nancy Gilbert is a 65-year-old...
FUN 08 – Maurice Arviso – Oxygenation and Hygiene
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 08 - Maurice Arviso - Oxygenation and Hygiene on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maurice Arviso is a 60-year-old Native American male admitted to the inpatient medical unit with pneumonia. Maurice is determined to maintain his independence and dignity and refuses assistance with...
FUN 08 – Maurice Arviso – Oxygenation and Hygiene
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 08 - Maurice Arviso - Oxygenation and Hygiene on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maurice Arviso is a...
Geriatric Pneumonia—Inpatient
University of Nebraska Medical CenterA 68-year-old male with COPD is admitted to the hospital with pneumonia; the signout says he became more sick overnight. The learner must identify that the patient is in respiratory distress and begin interventions to treat him, including administering oxygen via nasal cannula or non-rebreather. The learner is expected to...
Geriatric Pneumonia—Inpatient
A 68-year-old male with COPD is admitted to the hospital with pneumonia; the signout says he became more sick overnight. The learner must identify that...
Goals of Care Discussion
MaimonidesIn this scenario, a daughter brings her elderly father to the hospital because of respiratory distress. The patient has a history of advanced lung cancer, appears frail and very ill, and is in the emergency department requiring BIPAP for respiratory support. The learner must take the role of the emergency...
In this scenario, a daughter brings her elderly father to the hospital because of respiratory distress. The patient has a history of advanced lung cancer,...
Infant with Bronchiolitis
Bundle of RaysA 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize respiratory distress, and escalate oxygen. The patient will decompensate, which requires the learner(s) to call a code blue, support the patient’s airway, suction the airway,...
A 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize...
Intubation of Pediatric Patient with Suspected COVID
Children's NationalIn this scenario, a patient with a history of repaired congenital heart disease arrives at the CICU in respiratory distress. This case is progressing to respiratory failure and the patient requires immediate intubation. Learners will start outside the room and receive pre-arrival information of impending respiratory failure. The learner must...
In this scenario, a patient with a history of repaired congenital heart disease arrives at the CICU in respiratory distress. This case is progressing to...
LED 02 – Susan Weil – Respiratory Distress/Rapid Response
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 02 - Susan Weil - Rapid Response on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Susan Weil is a 76-year-old caucasian female. After sustaining several hip fractures, she was admitted to the medical-surgical unit for hemiarthro-plasty. Following surgery, the patient received a blood transfusion due...
LED 02 – Susan Weil – Respiratory Distress/Rapid Response
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 02 - Susan Weil - Rapid Response on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Susan Weil is a 76-year-old...
MAT 17 – Maria Fernando – Shoulder Dystocia, Neonatal Resuscitation
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 17 - Maria Fernando - Shoulder Dystocia Neonatal Resuscitation on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maria Fernando is an 18-year-old Hispanic female at 38 weeks’ gestation. Since admission to the labor and delivery unit, labor has progressed normally. The scenario begins with imminent...
MAT 17 – Maria Fernando – Shoulder Dystocia, Neonatal Resuscitation
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 17 - Maria Fernando - Shoulder Dystocia Neonatal Resuscitation on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maria Fernando is...
Rapid Sequence Intubation
TriHealthThe patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks. He was placed on BiPAP and transferred to the ICU. The learner will evaluate and facilitate the resuscitation of the patient.
The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks....
Severe Trauma
Sun CityIn this scenario, EMS arrives with a patient involved in a motor vehicle crash. EMS delivers the patient with a 20 gauge IV in the left arm, having placed them in an extrication C-collar, and initiated a simple mask for oxygen delivery. The patient is moved from a resuscitation room...
In this scenario, EMS arrives with a patient involved in a motor vehicle crash. EMS delivers the patient with a 20 gauge IV in the...
Tracheostomy Complications—Displacement (Fresh Total Laryngectomy)
NYU Grossman School of MedicineThe patient in this scenario is a 65-year-old man with a 120-pack-year smoking history who has been in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) for 24 hours. He had a total laryngectomy performed one day prior for laryngeal carcinoma. He required mechanical ventilatory support immediately postoperatively via a #8 cuffed...
The patient in this scenario is a 65-year-old man with a 120-pack-year smoking history who has been in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) for...