
SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series

Showing 1–24 of 33 results

SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series
Learner Population
Community Education
Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Respiratory Therapist
Social Worker
Speech-Language Pathologist
Air Methods
Baylor College of Medicine
Children's National
CLINSPEC Solutions
College of St. Scholastica
CVC Health Care
Eastern Michigan University School of Nursing
George Mason University
Georgian College
Indiana University East School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Indiana University School of Nursing
Inselspital - Universitätsspital Bern
Keimyoung University
Maimonides Medical Center
Mount Saint Mary's University
Nambu University
Northshore University Healthcare System
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
NYU Langone Health Department of Anesthesiology
Ohio State University
Parker University
Queensland Health Service
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Illinois College
St. John Fisher University
Sun City Simulation
University of Delaware College of Health Sciences
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
VALOR Program
XR Support Center Europe
Moderate Complexity
Standard Complexity
Room Size
Patient Ect

ACLS Knowledge Update

Air Methods

In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will progress to unstable Vtach, Vfib arrest, and then PEA arrest throughout the case. Learners will work to provide compressions, medications, electrical therapy, and airway interventions...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine
Advanced EMT
Family Medicine

In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, EMS/Prehospital, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Advanced EMT, Cardiac/Telemetry, Family Medicine, Interprofessional, Paramedic, Resuscitation
Author: Air Methods
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: acls, bls, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, cardioversion, defib, defibrillation, ems, ems cardiac arrest, sinus bradycardia, synchronized cardioversion., ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, vfib, vtach,

Adult Seizure in EMU

Baylor College of Medicine

Jamie Walden is a 24-year-old female with a history of febrile seizures starting at age 2, with subsequent seizures when she was 12. She failed several AEDs and is admitted to the EMU for seizure classification as part of a presurgical workup for epilepsy surgery. The learner must perform an...

Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

Adult Seizure in EMU

SimX Nursing Bundle

Jamie Walden is a 24-year-old female with a history of febrile seizures starting at age 2, with subsequent seizures when she was 12. She failed...

Case Information:
Bundles: SimX Nursing Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Interprofessional, Medical/Surgical
Author: Baylor College of Medicine
Language: English
Room size: 17x14
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: aura, epilepsy, generalized tonic clonic seizure, seizure,

Brief Psychotic Disorders

Indiana University School of Nursing

Sam is a 45-year-old caucasian female who was brought to the ER by her brother. Her brother reported that Sam was acting strange over the past couple of weeks; in particular, he noticed poor hygiene, bizarre behaviors, and interrupted sleep patterns. He also believes she has auditory and visual hallucinations....

Emergency Medicine
Psychiatry/Mental Health

Brief Psychotic Disorders

Social Determinants of Health

Sam is a 45-year-old caucasian female who was brought to the ER by her brother. Her brother reported that Sam was acting strange over the...

Case Information:
Bundles: Social Determinants of Health
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider, Social Worker
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Interprofessional, Psychiatry/Mental Health
Author: Indiana University School of Nursing
Language: English
Room size: 12x12
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: ativan, mental health, nursing students, psych rotation, psychiatric, psychiatric medications, psychosis,

BTT Shunt Occlusion in Interstage Patient with HLHS

Children's National

The patient is a 5-week-old baby girl with a prenatal diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, status post-Norwood with a 3.5mm BTT shunt at DOL5. Her intraoperative and postoperative course was relatively unremarkable, and she had been in the hospital for two weeks post-op, working on feeding issues. She has...


The patient is a 5-week-old baby girl with a prenatal diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, status post-Norwood with a 3.5mm BTT shunt at DOL5....

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Pediatric
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: emesis, hypoplastic, infant, norwood, pediatrics, postoperative, shunt,

Chest Pain—ACS

Queensland Health Service

A middle-aged male presents to the emergency department feeling unwell with chest pains and fainting. During initial evaluation of the patient, he loses consciousness and has a cardiac arrest with ventricular tachycardia, which can be seen on the monitor. The learner is expected to evaluate the patient, order and interpret...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

A middle-aged male presents to the emergency department feeling unwell with chest pains and fainting. During initial evaluation of the patient, he loses consciousness and...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional, Resuscitation
Author: Queensland Health Service
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: acls, acute coronary syndrome, als, cardiac arrest, cardiology, chest pain, cpr, emergency medicine, myocardial infarction, stemi,

Coarctation of the Aorta

Children's National

2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding less. She has an older brother (3-year-old who is in daycare). Symptoms have been getting worse over the last couple days. She was seen at...


2-week-old baby girl otherwise healthy, born at 38 weeks presenting with respiratory distress. Her parents have noted that she has been breathing faster and feeding...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: CXR, ED, icu, pediatrics, PGE, respiratory distress,

Critical Care Post-MVA

Southeastern Illinois College

A 33-year-old male presenting after having presented to the ICU from the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle crash. He is known to have multiple injuries, including facial trauma, pneumothorax which has been treated with a chest tube, head injury, and hemorrhage. The participant must stabilize the patient through the...

Critical Care

A 33-year-old male presenting after having presented to the ICU from the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle crash. He is known to have multiple...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency, Interprofessional
Author: Southeastern Illinois College
Language: English
Room size: 17x18
Setting: ICU
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: blood transfusion, chest tube management, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, hemorrhage control, ICU stabilization, intubation, motor vehicle crash, nursing process, trauma care,

Desaturation and Bradycardia in Infant

Children's National

In this scenario the patient is a 2-month-old ex-full-term male with a history of a small secundum ASD and moderate conoventricular septal defect. He is POD#0 from stitch closure of ASD and patch repair of the VSD. The post-op TEE shows a small residual ASD, no residual VSD, and good...


In this scenario the patient is a 2-month-old ex-full-term male with a history of a small secundum ASD and moderate conoventricular septal defect. He is...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: asd, cariology, conoventricular septal defect, infant, patch repair, pediatrics, postoperative, tee, vsd,

Epileptic Seizure

Inselspital - Universitätsspital Bern

A patient presents to the emergency department with a severe right sided headache that began acutely two hours prior. The learner must perform an initial assessment during which the patient will show worsening confusion and, eventually, will have a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The learner must treat the seizure with benzodiazepines,...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

A patient presents to the emergency department with a severe right sided headache that began acutely two hours prior. The learner must perform an initial...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Emergency, Interprofessional
Author: Inselspital - Universitätsspital Bern
Language: English
Room size: 18x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: epilepsy, headache, seizure, subarachnoid hemorrhage,

Establishing Vascular Access for Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy

CLINSPEC Solutions CVC Health Care PICC Pros

A 72-year-old female with recent diagnosis of osteomyelitis presents to the outpatient infusion clinic to establish vascular access for long-term vancomycin therapy. The learner will evaluate the patient, review medical history, and establish vascular access using the appropriate technique.

Critical Care
Internal Medicine

A 72-year-old female with recent diagnosis of osteomyelitis presents to the outpatient infusion clinic to establish vascular access for long-term vancomycin therapy. The learner will...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Interprofessional, Medical/Surgical
Author: CLINSPEC Solutions, CVC Health Care, PICC Pros
Language: English
Room size: 13x14
Setting: MedSurg
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: Catheter Measurement, Complication Risk Management, Infusion Clinic, Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy, Osteomyelitis, Patient Medical History, PICC Line Placement, Ultrasound-Guided Access, Vancomycin, Vascular Access,

Establishing Vascular Access in a Difficult Intravenous Access Patient

CLINSPEC Solutions CVC Health Care PICC Pros

A 67-year-old male with recent diagnosis of septic shock secondary to pneumonia is now recovering and no longer in need of central venous access. Unfortunately, the nursing staff were unable to establish peripheral IV access after several attempts. The learner will evaluate the patient, review medical history, and establish vascular...

Critical Care
Internal Medicine

A 67-year-old male with recent diagnosis of septic shock secondary to pneumonia is now recovering and no longer in need of central venous access. Unfortunately,...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Interprofessional, Medical/Surgical
Author: CLINSPEC Solutions, CVC Health Care, PICC Pros
Language: English
Room size: 13x14
Setting: MedSurg
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: anatomical site selection, difficult IV access, IV documentation, midline placement, peripheral IV access, PICC vs. midline, ultrasound-guided insertion, Vascular Access, vascular access device, vascular assessment,

GI Bleed

Ohio State University

The patient is a caucasion male who is brought into the emergency department by EMS with generalized weakness and lightheadedness. The learners should perform a focused history and physical exam to correctly diagnose GI bleed. During the encounter, the patient will have an acute episode of hematemesis and quickly decompensate...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

The patient is a caucasion male who is brought into the emergency department by EMS with generalized weakness and lightheadedness. The learners should perform a...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Emergency, Interprofessional
Author: Ohio State University
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: blood transfusion, causes of dizziness, causes of weakness, drowsy, gi bleed, hematemesis, hemorrhagic shock, hypotension, lightheaded, ng tube, pea, resuscitation, tachycardia, weak,

Hepatic Encephalopathy with AMS

Southeastern Illinois College

A 59-year-old Caucasian male with PMH of liver disease, T2DM, Hypertension, and Hypothyroidism was brought to the ER by his family, who states he’s had a change in mood the last day or so and now appears confused. The patient's family reports he had just been treated for a UTI...


A 59-year-old Caucasian male with PMH of liver disease, T2DM, Hypertension, and Hypothyroidism was brought to the ER by his family, who states he’s had...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Emergency, Interprofessional, Medical/Surgical
Author: Southeastern Illinois College
Language: English
Room size: 15x13
Setting: MedSurg
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: altered mental status, babinksi sign, Hepatic Encephalopathy, hyperreflexia, jaundice,

ICU Clinical Swallow Evaluation—Speech Pathology

University of Delaware College of Health Sciences

The learner is called to the intensive care unit to complete a clinical swallow evaluation of a 55-year-old male who self-extubated following prolonged intubation. The learner will complete a case history, oral motor exam, therapeutic PO trials, make recommendations, and complete a FEES study.

Critical Care

The learner is called to the intensive care unit to complete a clinical swallow evaluation of a 55-year-old male who self-extubated following prolonged intubation. The...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Speech-Language Pathologist
Specialty: Critical Care, Interprofessional
Author: University of Delaware College of Health Sciences
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: ICU
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: aspiration, Clinical Swallow Evaluation, Dysphagia, Endocarditis, FEES Study, Oral Motor Exam, Prolonged Intubation, septic shock, Speech-Language Pathology, swallow evaluation, Therapeutic PO Trials, Vocal Fold Paralysis,

Infant with Bronchiolitis

Queensland Health Service

A 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize respiratory distress, and escalate oxygen. The patient will decompensate, which requires the learner(s) to call a code blue, support the patient’s airway, suction the airway,...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine

A 4-month-old is admitted with RSV and bronchiolitis by their mother who is concerned her baby is deteriorating. The Learner(s) must assess the patient, recognize...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Interprofessional, Resuscitation
Author: Queensland Health Service
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: <18
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: airway emergencies, bronchiolitis, pals, pediatrics, respiratory distress, shortness of breath,

Interprofessional Gender-Affirming Care in an Adult

George Mason University

Katarina Washington an African American, 18-year-old, female came to the clinic complaining of irregular heartbeat, feeling faint, and overall fatigue. Katarina hesitantly admits she hasn’t eaten much in the last three days because she’s been sleeping in a friend’s car after being “kicked out” of the house. The RN notices...

Internal Medicine
Community/Public Health
Family Medicine
Psychiatry/Mental Health

Katarina Washington an African American, 18-year-old, female came to the clinic complaining of irregular heartbeat, feeling faint, and overall fatigue. Katarina hesitantly admits she hasn’t...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider, Social Worker
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Cardiac/Telemetry, Community/Public Health, Family Medicine, Interprofessional, Psychiatry/Mental Health, SDOH
Author: George Mason University
Language: English
Room size: 15x13
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Transgender
Tags: anxiety, BPSS, depression, Dietetics, GAD-7, Gender-Affirming Care, Nutrition, PHQ-9, Social Work, Transgender,

Intubation of Pediatric Patient with Suspected COVID

Children's National

In this scenario, a patient with a history of repaired congenital heart disease arrives at the CICU in respiratory distress. This case is progressing to respiratory failure and the patient requires immediate intubation. Learners will start outside the room and receive pre-arrival information of impending respiratory failure. The learner must...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine

In this scenario, a patient with a history of repaired congenital heart disease arrives at the CICU in respiratory distress. This case is progressing to...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 18x14
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: congenital heart disease, covid, intubation, pediatric covid, pediatric intubation, pediatric respiratory distress, ppe, respiratory distress, respiratory failure,

Management of Complications During Laparoscopic Surgery

NYU Langone Health Department of Anesthesiology

The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks. He was placed on BiPAP and transferred to the ICU. The learner will evaluate and facilitate the resuscitation of the patient.


The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks....

Case Information:
Learner Population: Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Anesthesiology, Interprofessional, Perioperative
Author: NYU Langone Health Department of Anesthesiology
Language: English
Room size: 12x13
Setting: Operating Room
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: Albuterol, allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis, Anesthesiology, Benadryl, Diphenhydramine, epinephrine, hives, hypotension, medication reaction, shock, Steroids, Tryptase, urticaria, ventilator management, wheezing,

Myocardial Infarction in the ED

Southeastern Illinois College

A 57-year-old male presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain. He reports that the pain started about an hour after dinner, while he was working. He describes the pain as a “crushing pressure” located midsternal and radiating down his left arm and to his back. He rates the pain...

Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

A 57-year-old male presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain. He reports that the pain started about an hour after dinner, while he was...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiac/Telemetry, Emergency, Interprofessional
Author: Southeastern Illinois College
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Emergency Department
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: A-Fib, acls, Amiodarone, Atrial Fibrillation, cardiac arrest, cardioversion, chest pain, defibrillation, epinephrine, inferior stemi, stemi, V-Fib, V-Tach, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia,

Non-Fatal Suicide Attempt in an Adult

Southeastern Illinois College

A 20 year-old female is admitted to a psych unit from the ED with a diagnosis of suicide attempt and depression. She is accompanied by her mother. Initially, the participant should perform a mental health assessment for a client in a short-term mental health setting, exhibit professional caring attitude, and...

Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine
Family Medicine
Psychiatry/Mental Health

A 20 year-old female is admitted to a psych unit from the ED with a diagnosis of suicide attempt and depression. She is accompanied by...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider, Social Worker
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Interprofessional, Psychiatry/Mental Health
Author: Southeastern Illinois College
Language: English
Room size: 14x13
Setting: MedSurg
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: anxiety, college age, Depressions, mental health, mental health assessment, mood disorder, overdose, personality disorder, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, therapeutic communication, wound care,

Pediatric Asthma Requiring Airway in a Rural ED

Air Methods

A 5-year-old male with a history of asthma presents to a small community hospital ED with three days of worsening shortness of breath that requires transfer to a pediatric capable facility. Learners must recognize severe asthma and initiate usual asthma treatment, but the child does not respond to these basic...

Critical Care
Emergency Medicine

A 5-year-old male with a history of asthma presents to a small community hospital ED with three days of worsening shortness of breath that requires...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, EMS/Prehospital, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency, Interprofessional, Paramedic
Author: Air Methods
Language: English
Room size: 17x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: asthma, ED, hypotension, intubation, pediatrics, refractory asthma, severe asthma, shortness of breath,

Pediatric Low Cardiac Output Syndrome

Children's National

A 3 month-old infant s/p complete AV canal defect repair is recovering in the first postoperative night in the cardiac intensive care unit. He develops junctional ectopic tachycardia with a narrow pulse pressure and hypotension. Learners must recognize and diagnose the arrhythmia and provide therapies to improve the cardiac output...


A 3 month-old infant s/p complete AV canal defect repair is recovering in the first postoperative night in the cardiac intensive care unit. He develops...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: arrhythmia, cardiology, hypotension, infant, junctional ectopic tachycardia, neonatal, pediatrics, post op, postoperative,

Pediatric Post-op Hypoxia and Hypotension

Children's National

In this scenario the patient is a 4 d/o male with HLHS (mitral and aortic atresia) s/p Stage 1 (Norwood) procedure presenting in a low-output state with progressive hypotension and hypoxemia. Learners must assess the patient, evaluate the situation, recognize abnormal findings, and respond with appropriate interventions.


In this scenario the patient is a 4 d/o male with HLHS (mitral and aortic atresia) s/p Stage 1 (Norwood) procedure presenting in a low-output...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Interprofessional, Perioperative
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: calcium, cardiology, hlhs, hypotension, hypoxia, infant, inotropy, norwood, pediatrics, post op, postoperative,

Pediatric Post-op SVT

Children's National

In this scenario, a 4-day old baby boy is in the cardiac intensive care unit recovering from a coarctation repair. The patient is intubated with all postoperative lines, drains, etc. and is in hemodynamically unstable supraventricular tachycardia at the beginning of the scenario. The patient has already been given adenosine...


In this scenario, a 4-day old baby boy is in the cardiac intensive care unit recovering from a coarctation repair. The patient is intubated with...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician/Advanced Practice Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Cardiac/Telemetry, Interprofessional, Perioperative
Author: Children's National
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Neonatal
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: adenosine, arrhythmia, arrhythmia-associated hypotension, cardiology, cardioversion, coarctation repair, icu, infant, postoperative, unstable svt,