Showing all 14 results

Anesthesia Post-op
University of Pennsylvania School of NursingIn the Operating Room, a 23-year-old female patient with an undiagnosed pseudocholinesterase deficiency is undergoing general anesthesia for a D&E. As the surgical case is completed, the Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) turns the anesthesia off. Still, the deficiency causes the patient to remain under the influence of the paralytic...
In the Operating Room, a 23-year-old female patient with an undiagnosed pseudocholinesterase deficiency is undergoing general anesthesia for a D&E. As the surgical case is...

FUN 10 – Boyd Dubois – Postoperative Pain Management and Care
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 10 - Boyd Dubois - Postoperative Pain Management and Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Boyd Dubois is a 58-year-old Caucasian male admitted for total right hip arthroplasty. After surgery, he was admitted to the inpatient orthopedic unit. He has an abduction...
FUN 10 – Boyd Dubois – Postoperative Pain Management and Care
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 10 - Boyd Dubois - Postoperative Pain Management and Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Boyd Dubois...

FUN 12 – Lillian Chambers – Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 12 - Lillian Chambers - Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lillian Chambers, a 40-year-old Korean-American female, presented to the emergency department with acute right lower quadrant abdominal pain. After a diagnosis of ruptured appendix, an urgent...
FUN 12 – Lillian Chambers – Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 12 - Lillian Chambers - Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lillian...

HA 9-1 – Marc Kozlov – Post-operative Respiratory Distress
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario HA 9-1 - Marc Kozlov - Inpatient: Postoperative Respiratory Distress on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Marc Kozlov is a 21-year-old caucasian male. He lives a very active life and his status is postoperative after undergoing surgical repair of an ankle fracture. Overnight, he...
HA 9-1 – Marc Kozlov – Post-operative Respiratory Distress
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario HA 9-1 - Marc Kozlov - Inpatient: Postoperative Respiratory Distress on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Marc Kozlov is...

Management of Complications During Laparoscopic Surgery
NYU Langone Health Department of AnesthesiologyThe patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks. He was placed on BiPAP and transferred to the ICU. The learner will evaluate and facilitate the resuscitation of the patient.
The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks....

MED 24 – Lou Thao – Abdominal Surgery and Postoperative Fluid Volume Deficit
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MED 24 - Lou Thao - Abdominal Surgery - Postoperative Fluid Volume Deficit Lou Thao is a 43-year-old Vietnamese American male who has just been transferred from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) to the medical-surgical unit for recovery following laparoscopic sigmoid colon resection....
MED 24 – Lou Thao – Abdominal Surgery and Postoperative Fluid Volume Deficit
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MED 24 - Lou Thao - Abdominal Surgery - Postoperative Fluid Volume Deficit Lou Thao is a 43-year-old...

MED 41 – Mathias Hedding – Wound Debridement and Pain Management
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MED 41 - Mathias Hedding - Wound Debridement - Pain Management on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Mathias Hedding is a 62-year-old Caucasian male admitted for surgical debridement of infected foot wounds. He has a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure....
MED 41 – Mathias Hedding – Wound Debridement and Pain Management
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MED 41 - Mathias Hedding - Wound Debridement - Pain Management on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Mathias Hedding...

PED 31 – Abdullah Yusuf – Acute Appendicitis / Adolescent / Post-operative Care
ElsevierThis Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 31 - Abdullah Yusuf - Acute Appendicitis - Adolescent - Preoperative Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Abdullah Yusuf, a 12-year-old Arab American male, was admitted for a perforated appendix and a successful appendectomy was performed. Abdullah has a naso-gastric tube and...
PED 31 – Abdullah Yusuf – Acute Appendicitis / Adolescent / Post-operative Care
This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PED 31 - Abdullah Yusuf - Acute Appendicitis - Adolescent - Preoperative Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform...

Pediatric Post-op Hypoxia and Hypotension
Children's NationalIn this scenario the patient is a 4 d/o male with HLHS (mitral and aortic atresia) s/p Stage 1 (Norwood) procedure presenting in a low-output state with progressive hypotension and hypoxemia. Learners must assess the patient, evaluate the situation, recognize abnormal findings, and respond with appropriate interventions.
In this scenario the patient is a 4 d/o male with HLHS (mitral and aortic atresia) s/p Stage 1 (Norwood) procedure presenting in a low-output...

Pediatric Post-op SVT
Children's NationalIn this scenario, a 4-day old baby boy is in the cardiac intensive care unit recovering from a coarctation repair. The patient is intubated with all postoperative lines, drains, etc. and is in hemodynamically unstable supraventricular tachycardia at the beginning of the scenario. The patient has already been given adenosine...
In this scenario, a 4-day old baby boy is in the cardiac intensive care unit recovering from a coarctation repair. The patient is intubated with...

Post-op Mobility and Elimination
University of Nebraska Medical CenterA 67-year-old male is admitted to the surgical ward after hip repair surgery and develops a clostridium difficile infection. The learner must put on proper personal protective equipment and perform an initial assessment, including a focused musculoskeletal exam. The learner should notice that the patient needs to be cleaned–including appropriate...
Post-op Mobility and Elimination
A 67-year-old male is admitted to the surgical ward after hip repair surgery and develops a clostridium difficile infection. The learner must put on proper...