Showing 1–24 of 55 results

ACLS Knowledge Update
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will progress to unstable Vtach, Vfib arrest, and then PEA arrest throughout the case. Learners will work to provide compressions, medications, electrical therapy, and airway interventions...
In this scenario, a 56-year-old male patient arrives at the emergency department with chest pain with symptomatic bradycardia and unstable vital signs. The patient will...

Bleeding Control—Office Shooting
Sun City SimulationThis scenario is a mass casualty event following a shooting. There are 5 adult patients collected in an empty room for treatment. The first patient has a gunshot wound in the abdomen and is suffering hemorrhagic shock, the next has arterial hemorrhage from a gunshot wound in the left arm...
This scenario is a mass casualty event following a shooting. There are 5 adult patients collected in an empty room for treatment. The first patient...

Car Accident—Prehospital
XR Support Center EuropeThis is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver having a cardiac event due to a complication of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. One patient is a middle aged male who is ambulatory...
This is a prehospital scenario with two patients at the scene of a high speed motor vehicle accident which is secondary to the elderly driver...

CBRN Civilian Tool Orientation
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, there is concern about possible exposure to a weaponized biologic agent. The patient has no symptoms and requires no medical treatments, but the learner should work through the process of assessment and decon. This case is to introduce learners to the VR environment and tools.
CBRN Civilian Tool Orientation
Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about possible exposure to a weaponized biologic agent. The patient has no symptoms and requires no medical...

CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack
VALOR ProgramSet in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower extremity amputations and will require one tourniquet placement on each leg. The patient will also require decontamination and treatment for exposure.
CBRN Dirty Bomb Urban Attack
Set in an urban environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack and concern for a dirty bomb. The patient suffers bilateral lower...

CBRN Hydrogen Cyanide Exposure
VALOR ProgramSet in the woodland environment, the Learner responds to the scene after an accident with a burning military vehicle. The wind shifted and the patient had significant toxic fume inhalation for a period of time. They develop symptoms of cyanide toxicity. The patient suffers minor traumatic injuries. The patient requires...
CBRN Hydrogen Cyanide Exposure
Set in the woodland environment, the Learner responds to the scene after an accident with a burning military vehicle. The wind shifted and the patient...

CBRN Mustard Gas Exposure and Eye Irritation
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a closed room that caught on fire. He suffered extensive burns to the head, face and chest. This patient will require immediate airway management along with...
CBRN Mustard Gas Exposure and Eye Irritation
Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a...

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure Field Decontamination
VALOR ProgramThis case is set in the industrial environment. The Learner responds to the scene after there was an explosion and possible exposure to nerve agent. One patient is moderately symptomatic with small pupils and nausea. The patient is tachycardic with a normal blood pressure. A second patient is deceased at...
CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure Field Decontamination
This case is set in the industrial environment. The Learner responds to the scene after there was an explosion and possible exposure to nerve agent....

CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury
VALOR ProgramSet in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...
CBRN Nerve Agent Exposure with Severe Head Injury
Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

CBRN Opiate Gas Attack
VALOR ProgramSet in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration.
CBRN Opiate Gas Attack
Set in the subway environment, the learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from opiate gas exposure and will require...

CBRN Radiation Accident with Burn Management
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a closed room that caught on fire. He suffered extensive burns to the head, face and chest. This patient will require immediate airway management along with...
CBRN Radiation Accident with Burn Management
Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an explosion with possible exposure to radioactive material. One patient was in a...

CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED
VALOR ProgramSet in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on the road and recovered an IED that partially detonated, with its nose open and cracked. Unknown to them, it was a rare chemical weapon prototype...
CBRN Sarin Gas Exposure from IED
Set in the woodland environment, the learner responds to the scene after reports of soldiers feeling ill after recovering an IED. The patients were on...

CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure
VALOR ProgramSet in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require decontamination along with antidote administration and immediate airway interventions.
CBRN Subway Attack with Cyanogen Chloride Exposure and Respiratory Failure
Set in the subway environment, the Learner responds to the scene after a bombing. The victim is suffering from cyanogen chloride exposure and will require...

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic injuries that require immediate treatment for stabilization. The patient requires decontamination, and learners should assess for chemical exposure symptoms.
CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries
Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic...

CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries (Civilian)
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic injuries that require immediate treatment for stabilization. The patient requires decontamination, and learners should assess for chemical exposure symptoms.
CBRN TIC Exposure with Blunt Traumatic Injuries (Civilian)
Set in the industrial environment, the learner responds to the scene after an attack, with exposure to toxic industrial chemicals. The patient suffers blunt traumatic...

CBRN Tool Orientation
VALOR ProgramSet in the industrial environment, there is concern about a possible exposure to weaponized biologic agent. Patient has no symptoms, and requires no medical treatments, but the learner should work through the process of assessment and decon. This case is to introduce learners to the VR environment and tools.
CBRN Tool Orientation
Set in the industrial environment, there is concern about a possible exposure to weaponized biologic agent. Patient has no symptoms, and requires no medical treatments,...

EMS Anaphylaxis
SimXIn this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with a known allergy. The learner must give Epi and the patient will improve. However, the patient will require a second dose of epi. If neither...
EMS Anaphylaxis
In this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with...

EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family member says the patient was eating take-out food and suddenly had difficulty breathing. The patient has a known severe peanut allergy. Learner will perform an...
EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family...

EMS Climbing Accident and Rescue
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived prior to any other first responders. The patient has sustained multiple traumatic injuries and is hemodynamically unstable when the flight crew arrives. The learner must...
In this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived...

EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
VALOR ProgramLearner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The patient refuses to talk to police at the beginning of the case. Police ask the EMS providers to help convince the patient to be transported...
EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
Learner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The...

EMS Congestive Heart Failure
VALOR ProgramLearner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on scene, identify the patient's dyspnea and hypoxia, and provide appropriate respiratory support. The patient is in respiratory distress and can speak in only 1-2 syllable...
EMS Congestive Heart Failure
Learner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on...

EMS Diabetic Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard who is localizing to pain but otherwise unresponsive. Bystanders gave one dose of naloxone without effect. Learner will perform an initial assessment and history from...
EMS Diabetic Emergency
Learner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard...

EMS Inferior STEMI
SimXA patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize inferior STEMI by the patient’s history, exam, and EKG. They must successfully activate the cath lab and start fluids, heparin, and pressors if needed. If...
EMS Inferior STEMI
A patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize...